Happy Holidays from Pekut & Carwick Independent Bottlers

Hi Folks,
2022 is almost at an end, and we want to thank each and every one of you for your support and engagement over the past year. We've been growing the business and slowly expanding our reach, and we couldn't have done it without you.
If you've just signed up for the newsletter, welcome! We write about spirits, we make spirits, and we sell spirits. Nobody else does it quite like us. If you want to read some of our past newsletters, most past content is still available on our website. As always, reach out if you have questions or comments!
We're looking forward to a brief respite from the seasonal hustle before we get back into a new year of bottling, distributing, importing, researching, and sharing the best booze the world has to offer. We'll be working on U.S. rum sources, and we have a few ideas up our sleeves for new spirits and fresh cocktail inspiration.
Stick with us! It's only going to get better.
In the meantime, we wish you and yours a warm, restful, and joyful year's end.
We'll see you in 2023!
The Pekut & Carwick team